
Safe and stable shipping of provisions every time

We handle and deliver all kinds of provisions to ships in the Kattegat and Skagerrak. On our vessels Odin and Seaman, we have all the necessary equipment needed for freight of provisions. We guarantee that all types of food are stored correctly – whether it requires refrigeration or freezing. It is also possible to lock a storage room on the ship for special provisions.

In short, we supply every conceivable household to the ships’ crew. In addition to food and drink we also ship hygiene products, cleaning products and other necessities.

Long-term storage of provisions on land

If there is a need for further storage of the provisions on land, before delivery, we have the option of storing it safely and hygienically – both refrigerated and frozen. In this way, we guarantee the entire process and ensure that the provisions are handled and delivered correctly.

In addition to provisions, we also deliver spare parts and transport crew quickly and safely from land to ship and back again.

Contact us

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We are on the phone around the clock, and you can always reach us by phone at: +45 22 42 22 39.

”Arrive safely in port”

We are ready to answer any questions you may have that you cannot find answered here on the website.

Contact us today